My piece titled ‘Grow Together’ is Inspired by the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmemer. In it she retells the story of 3 Sisters who represent Corn, beans and squash. Used in many different regions it originated with the Haudenosaunee (hah-dee-no-shownee), or "People of the Longhouse".

In one version of the legend a Mother and Father have 3 daughters who argue over every little thing instead of helping with the gardening and chores. Eventually they are transformed into the 3 sisters of Corn, beans and squash which helps the parents make it through the winter.

Here I’ve depicted the continuation of the story where the sisters are given another chance. They've been transformed (hence the butterfly in the next image) back into their human form and are from different cultures.


  • Mother to all

    Mother to all

    Mother to all, giver of nourishment. We are all unique and we are all the same like her. She is the Mother to the 3 sisters who has now transformed them back into their human form and has nourishment, validation, time and space prepares to help them heal and reunite them with other.

    Reflecting this generations Mother figures who can offer support, tools and resources to share with our children to coexist harmoniously.

    Her rainbow wings represent 2SLGBTQIA3 and BIPOC. She also has a world necklace to unite us all, a heart earring to communicate love and a butterfly bracelet to signify our capacity for change and transformation.

    We live in a time of apology, accountability, responsibility and healing. We cannot heal alone just as we cannot grow alone. We need each other.

    Our souls are craving exposure, education and familiarity with our BIPOC sisters who have been uprooted from the earth garden. Now transplanted back to their mother's soil.


We need all recognize the wounds and make and hold space for all to heal and grow. We as humans Thrive when our needs are met and we feel secure. We can now do this by supporting each other.

I've also included the Coexist symbol first designed by Polish Graphic designer Piotr Młodożeniec to demonstrate how many religions and cultures can exist harmoniously with some creativity.

Giving and receiving takes courage. Dare to be brave.

'Even a wounded world is feeding us’ are poignant word by Robin Kimmimer, author of braiding sweetgrass and they inspired this piece.

It's time to grow together.

Thank you for visiting, be sure to visit the Clifford Food Pantry and share your support and coloring pages #cliffordconnects #mintopride. ❤️
